It is amazing how Jetpack Plugin is improving day-by-day and introducing new features. Last Jetpack Plugin update was about new contact form option for Feedbacks and this time its enhanced Commenting System for WordPress. Arrh…that wasn’t loud! Let me say that again… Jetpack has added New JetPack Comments Feature, with its new version 1.4.1.

Not sure what is Jetpack all about ? Click here to know more about Jetpack Plugin or click the JetPack picture below:

JetPack Plugin Update for WordPress

Click to Install Jetpack on WordPress!

Whats New in Jetpack Plugin ?

The new JetPack Commenting System  extends capabilities of conventional WordPress comments. You will find JetPack Comment widget in Dashboard once you have updated the plugin. It looks like below screenshot:

JetPack Plugin update for New Commenting System

Jetpack Comments Widget in Dashboard

How to get Jetpack Comments Feature ?

To get Comments Feature in blog, you will have to update Jetpack plugin. If don’t know how to update Jetpack Plugin follow a quick procedure below:

  • Login to WordPress Admin Panel and Navigate to Dashboard > Plugin.
  • Find Jetpack Plugin Listed with other plugins. Click on Update Automatically link in orange, just like in the screenshot below:
JetPack Version Update 1-4-1

Click on Update Automatically Link

  • After clicking the link you will get redirected to update plugin status page and you will see something similar as below screenshot.
Update Jetpack Plugin step2

Plugin Updated Successfully!

  • Done? Now navigate to Dashboard > Jetpack to see JetPack Comment Widget.

Pros & Cons for JetPack Comment

Hah…you must be wondering about whether its worth installing on your WordPress Blog or it is not. Hmmmm…the list of Pros & Cons is especially for you to figure out, read below:


  • Allows a commenter/visitor to use, Facebook or Twitter Account while posting a Comment on your site.
  • Enhanced Comment Form with jQuery Animation
  • 3 different Themes for Comment Form: Light, Dark & Transparent.
  • jQuery Validation for required Fields.


  • Still using div html tags which states it is not on HTML5 completely.
  • Doesn’t work with Thesis Theme or other frameworks.
  • Increases page load time by 0.5-1 second/s.

Here is how a JetPack Comment Form looks like, on Twenty Eleven Theme:

JetPack Comment Form on Twenty Eleven Theme

Jetpack Comment Form on Twenty Eleven Theme

What do you think ?

Isn’t it feel good to have your WordPress Blog up-to-date & with latest features ? I believe nothing can beat that feeling, so what do you think about it? Share your thoughts with us about this New Jetpack Comments Feature introduced with Plugin Update 1.4.1. Of course, you can post a comment below. 😉