Flutter Platform is a trending solution for startups with cost effective investment. Because, it lets you develop an Application for multiple platforms like Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux or Web with an expense of single business logic. So, in this tutorial we will build and Submit Flutter App on Google Play Store for review.
Review AndroidManifest.xml
Firstly, it involves to review App manifest file or AndroidManifest.xml file which is located in the android > app > src > main folder of the flutter app. Let’s review the following:
Review App Title or Label
Edit the android:label to change the default title of the application:
android:label="My Cool App"
Add User Permissions (if any)
Add various permissions that an application require from the user. Such as internet, notifications or vibration etc.
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.thecreatology.mycoolapp">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
android:label="My Cool App"
Launcher Icons & Splash Page
Generate Launcher Icons Natively
Using the flutter_launcher_icons package lets you update the Flutter app’s launcher icon natively. By natively, it means that working within the scope of flutter set the launcher icons for Android as well as iOS.
- Open pubspec.yaml and add flutter_launcher_icons as a dev_dependency:
image_path: "assets/images/app_icon.png"
android: true
ios: false
- Also make sure to add app_icon.png in the assests/images directory in the root of Flutter App.
- Then do a Pub Get or type flutter pub get in the terminal window from Flutter App root directory.
- Finally type flutter packages pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main to generate icons as per the configuration defined in pubspec.yaml file.
Generate Splash Screen Natively
Similarly, flutter’s default splash screen is a simple white screen, which is not impressive at all. Therefore and based on the same theory as the above launcher icons, you can generate a splash screen for your flutter app natively. Using the flutter_native_splash package lets you update the Flutter app’s splash screen natively.
Open pubspec.yaml and add flutter_launcher_icons as a dev_dependency:
image: assets/images/splash.png
color: "#cccccc"
- Also make sure to add splash.png in the assests/images directory in the root of Flutter App.
- Then do a Pub Get or type flutter pub get in the terminal window from Flutter App root directory.
- Type flutter pub pub run flutter_native_splash:create to generate and set splash screen for both Android and iOS as per the configuration defined in pubspec.yaml file.
Go to the next page to submit flutter app on Google Play