I have already covered few articles to decrease bounce rate of blog, like by creating 404 error pages or styling previous next links in WordPress. In the following article I will explain how beneficial Post Tags are in WordPress and how we can style tags in single posts to decrease bounce rate of blog.

Why WordPress Tags are useful ?

TheCreatology Post Tags

Image Credit: AkyJoe

Post Tags play a vital role in WordPress as they group similar articles together. Tags works as multiple categories for a blog entry which can be reused in future as an archive of articles. Another reason why I say why WordPress tags are important, is that they describe a visitor, what the article is about.

How to Style Post Tags in WordPress?

Usually every WordPress Theme like Thesis Theme has Post Tags enabled in Single Post Entries. You can always style Post Tags using CSS to increase Call to Action. For Instance, you can see the screenshot below, where you can see the post tags in blue.

TheCreatology Post Styling on WordPress

TheCreatology Post Styling on WordPress

Below is the post tags style code which you can add it in style.css or custom.css in case of Thesis Theme.

Make sure you take backup of style.css or custom.css using FTP, before adding the code in it.

.custom .post_tags a {
background-color: #e33e00 !important; /*Change Background Color*/
color: #FFFFFF; /*Change Text Color*/
line-height: 40px;
margin: 2px;
padding: 7px !important;
text-decoration: none !important;

The above code is for Thesis Theme Post Tags Styling only. In case of custom WordPress Theme you can simply replace the class according to your Theme. You can play around with the background color and text color, as I have mentioned in the code.

We’re Done!

Once you have added the code, refresh on any single post entry to see the effect and you will find something like the screenshot below:

Style Post Tags for WordPress

Demo: Post Tags

WordPress post tags though are optional, but I would recommend people to use WordPress to its best. Winking smile Do you use Post Tags ? Let us know with a simple feedback, by posting comment below.