If are you on twitter, then you can display latest tweets on WordPress Blog. By adding twitter feed in Website, visitors can keep track of your latest tweets and one-click to follow you on twitter.


Twitter Stream Illustration

A latest plugin by automatic JetPack features to add twitter stream in sidebar with ease. In the article we will learn how to add twitter feed in WordPress using Jetpack plugin. Below is a simple stepwise procedure:

Step 1: Install Jetpack plugin

I have already mentioned in the article how to install jetpack plugin on wordpress. Once the jetpack is installed proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Configure Twitter Widget

When Jetpack plugin is installed and configured, by default it activates Twitter Widget which can be configured by Navigating to Appearance > Widgets, as you can see in the screenshot below.

Jetpack plugin twitter widget

Twitter Widget Jetpack dashboard

Step 3: Show Tweets on Blog

In order to display latest tweets on sidebar, follow the procedure below to add twitter widget:

  • Navigate to Appearance > Widgets.
  • Find Twitter (Jetpack) widget in the list and Drag it to sidebar.
Jetpack Twitter Stream Widget for Sidebar

Twitter Jetpack Widget

  • Now configure twitter jetpack settings for title, twitter name, number of tweets to show etc. Refer to screenshot below:
Configure Twitter Widget Sidebar

Twitter Widget Settings

  • Once done with the settings, click on Save button.

We are Done!

As we are done with installation and configuration, now its time to see things live in action. Refresh the website and you will find twitter stream in sidebar similar to the screenshot below.

Twitter Stream in wordpress sidebar

Twitter Stream Live on Sidebar

Here we come to the end of this tutorial, where we learned to add twitter feed in WordPress blog. If you have any query or any assistance is required, feel free to post comment as your feedback.