Steeroids 2.0
Steeroids version 1.0 was built a year ago. Auto blog is growing and getting better day-by-day. Hence, it needed a drastic redesign for better readability and responsive user interface. Web administrator contacted us to launch Steeroids 2.0 using thesis 2 theme.
It was a real challenge to use new Thesis 2.0, which launched couple of weeks back. We totally redesigned the auto blog for better readability and clean magazine style layout. With couple of changes and refinements, our team designed new thesis 2 skin.
Overall project took us 2 weeks to launch new Steeroids 2.0.
Feedback From Client
Rapid action team once the project starts, Absolute delight to work with. Ability to understand and deliver projects before the deadline. No need for followups or reminders. Love'd the support given during troubleshooting. Best in the business for wordpress and thesis. Awaiting to start other projects now. Cheers.
- Promptness in Communication: Amazing & Swift
- Understanding Project Requirement: Bull's Eye! Right on target
- Availability and Punctuality: Always available & quick
- Project Completion Date(s): Wow! Even before expected date
- One word for TheCreatology Team: Decent & Professional
- Feedback: Become one stop shop, From Conceptualizing to SEO. Keep up the great work. Cheers.
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