College Core
College Core is an Educational Service for students who are looking to shape their careers. College Core has counseling experience with a positive determination which enable students to find good colleges and pursue a course with their interest.
Client connected TheCreatology Team via reference, from Steeroids, to design a website for College Core. An educational service website reflects simplicity, no shit and of-course professionalism. By keeping all that in mind, our team designed a clean website mock and accordingly developed the website using WordPress. The project included custom homepage design, student testimonials, a photo gallery and essential plugins, which took us a week to wrap it all.
Website Customization
Below is a list of Customization Work, accomplished for client:
- Educational Website Design
- Scrolling News in Sidebar
- Dynamic Photo Gallery Page
- Dynamic Testimonial Management
- Featured Image Slider
- 3 Column Widgetized Footer
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